A Letter to You
From Tony and Sage
Dear Platinum Family,
The past year has magnified the importance of human connection, perhaps more than any other time in our history. Relationships, and more importantly the quality of them, give life deep meaning and purpose. They’re what give color and texture. They’re what make us deeply human.
And the most important relationship of all, is our intimate relationship. As humans, our destiny is to learn, to grow, and to expand so that we have more to give. And it’s through relationship that we deepen and expand our experience of life. Afterall, you can only experience so much joy by yourself!
As we emerge in this post-pandemic world, it’s time to throw our expectations to the side, to scrub the glass clean, and step into our greatest and highest gift, of love.
Sage and I invite both you and your partner to Love & Passion: The Ultimate Relationship Program on the Big Island of Hawaii for an unforgettable week with your Platinum family. And for those seeking an extraordinary love, join us as we hone in on exactly what it takes to experience the gift of that soul-level forever connection.
This will be unlike any Platinum Relationship program before. The dance we do with our partners is not the same as it was a year ago or even two years ago at our last Platinum Relationship event. And as Sage and I welcomed our baby girl, we’ve experienced many changes in our own relationship and have so many new insights and gifts to share.
This is about bringing more of ourselves to the table. Not shrinking, not denying our desires and complexities. But becoming more for each other, delivering more for one another and seeing that gorgeous impact. When we do this, love all of a sudden becomes beautiful again.
Join us for a week in paradise so you can step into love with your entire spirit.
And of course, we’ll have some fun along the way! I couldn’t give you a relationship trip without a few surprises amidst the backdrop of beautiful Hawaii, a land bursting with both feminine and masculine energy. From the island’s fertile, volcanic soil, to her fierce mountain ranges, this exotic place will set the tone for true relationship breakthroughs.
We can’t wait to see you in person, and share a week with our Platinum Family!
Love, Tony and Sage