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Your powers

We pride ourselves in designs that consider even the smallest details. Quisque vulputate justo nec porttitor bibendum. Pellentesque id gravida magna. Nullam sed pharetra metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse molestie viverra magna. Phasellus et leo rhoncus, tincidunt dolor sit amet, mollis orci. Duis non tempus quam, sed pharetra ex. Fusce sit amet suscipit nisi. Curabitur in volutpat enim. Vestibulum ullamcorper quis elit ac pretium. Vivamus vel massa id ante eleifend fringilla a ut libero.

Your kryptonite

We consider what is not only in your reach, but what is in reach of your passengers. Quisque vulputate justo nec porttitor bibendum. Pellentesque id gravida magna. Nullam sed pharetra metus. Aliquam erat volutpat.* Suspendisse molestie viverra magna. Phasellus et leo rhoncus, tincidunt dolor sit amet, mollis orci. Duis non tempus quam, sed pharetra ex. Fusce sit amet suscipit nisi. Curabitur in volutpat enim. Vestibulum ullamcorper quis elit ac pretium. Vivamus vel massa id ante eleifend fringilla a ut libero.

Where to shift your focus

  • Variety: Too much certainty leads to boredom and stasis. While humans need stability, we also crave change and stimulation that variety brings. What can you do to add variety to your life and reap the rewards of the challenges it brings?
  • Learn: By learning new things and having new experiences, whether it’s a different exercise class or going to a new place on your next vacation, you’ll stretch yourself. Turns out you don’t always have to know how a story will end when you begin it.
  • Growth and Contribution: Combined, these two needs make us feel fulfilled and whole. Making progress leads to happiness, which then turns into more joy to share with the others in your life who need it. How can you start giving back and growing again?

Next Steps

Discover even more about your inner forces

Your driving forces (top human needs) will push you forward, but there is something that could hold you back – your beliefs. Learn how to identify your limiting beliefs so you can replace them with empowering ones.



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