I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.

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Action is the most important key to any success.

Productivity is one of those “catch all” resolutions that people tend to make – something that just sounds worthwhile, a noble pursuit. But what does it mean to be more productive?

When we say we want to be more productive, organized or efficient, what we are really saying is that we want to do more in less time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So why are some of us able to accomplish so much more than others? Those who seem to accomplish more with their time have mastered productivity.

As Tony says, “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do.” If you want to be more productive, you can model those who already are – you’ll find that the most productive people understand the power of chunking, of scheduling their time, of leveraging their resources and of never compromising on their standards.

Conor McGregor

Professional MMA Fighter

"There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that’s that. I am not talented, I am obsessed."

Hear Tony and Conor discuss how his incredible drive has pushed him to become one of the greatest MMA fighters of all time.

Identify your specific, measurable productivity goals

  • Ask yourself, What do I really want? What’s the outcome I’m after? The more precise, the stronger it is. For example: There’s a difference between “I want to be more organized” vs. “I want to reduce stress by creating enough free time to do stress-reducing activities.”
  • How will you know you’ve achieved it? How will you measure success? Whenever possible, quantify your results, and put a timeframe around it. For example: Instead of saying, “I want to get more done each day,” say “I want to change my workday pattern so I accomplish 75% of my daily tasks before lunch.”
  • Is there someone else who already has the results you’re after? That can help you identify the criteria of what you consider successful. Write these down.

Discover the compelling reason you want these results

  • What kind of trigger words really motivate you to reach your goal? What are some words around career success that excite you? Free, powerful, successful, accomplished, role model, problem solver, contributor? What words really make you want to do something?
  • Ask yourself, Why do I want this? What is my real purpose? Why is this not just a “should,” but a must for me? Associate to the “why” of what you are doing.
  • What will this give me? How will it make me feel? The emotional quality of purpose makes what you will do not only sustainable, but powerful. It’s what will push you through the inevitable obstacles.

Your massive action plan

  • Once you know the exact result you are committed to achieving, as well as why you must achieve it (the purpose), you can now create a MAP – a Massive Action Plan – to actually get there. Ask: What specific actions do I need to take to achieve this result?

  • Remember: There are many ways to achieve a result. If one set of actions doesn’t do it, another set will. And, often only a small number of your actions will make the biggest difference in your progress toward your goal – 20% of what you do in life makes 80% of the difference. Once you find a new productivity or organization strategy that works, double down on it. And abandon what doesn’t work.


Get your free RPM™ productivity plan

Whether your goal is to make more time for family while building your business or to simply feel in control of your complex and busy life, create your customized plan with this free RPM (Rapid Planning Method) template.

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Discover the system that Tony Robbins created for himself to accomplish his personal and professional goals. Become a master of productivity and organization with the ALL NEW RPM™ System Box Set.

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